Thursday, 26th August 2021
18:00 – 20:00 BIB number pick – up PUT 115K, PUT 70K, PUT 35K, PUT 17K (Ruše)
Friday, 27th August 2021
15:00 – 21:00 BIB number pick- up PUT 115K, PUT 70K, PUT 35K, PUT 17K (Ruše)
22.00 Bus shuttle for PUT 115K from Sports park Ruše
Saturday, 28th August 2021
00:00 Start PUT 115K – Pohorje Ultra-Trail® (Dravograd)
04:45 Bus shuttle for PUT 70K from Sports park Ruše
06:00 Start PUT 70K (Hoče)
07.45 Bus shuttle for PUT 35K from Sports park Ruše
09:30 Start PUT 35K (Slovenska Bistrica)
10:00 Start PUT 17K (Ruše)
11:00 Expected arrival of the fastest at PUT 115K – Pohorje Ultra-Trail®
11:20 Expected arrival of the fastest at PUT 17K
13:00 Expected arrival of the fastest at PUT 35K
13:10 Expected arrival of the fastest at PUT 70K
13:30 Awarding ceremony for PUT 17K
14:00 Start CICI kids trail run (Ruše)
14:15 Start MINI kids trail run (Ruše)
14:30 Start MAXI kids trail run (Ruše)
14:45 Awarding ceremony KIDS Trail
15:00 Awarding ceremony PUT 35K
16:00 Raffle prizes for the runners and the volunteers
17:00 Awarding ceremony PUT 70K
19:00 Awarding ceremony PUT 115K
20:00 Concert of the band
The organizer reserves the right to change the program.